

Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) is a 50-70cm tall perennial that grow among bushes, rocks and thin forests mainly in foothills and mountains all over the country up to 1600m above sea-level. One oregano plant has 80-100 stems and new stems grow yearly. The flowers are pale pink, pink or almost white colored with brown calyces. The blossoming season usually starts in the beginning of June and lasts till the end of August.
Oregano’s dried stems with pink-purple flowers are used against cough or pulmonary diseases and also for making tea. White oregano is good as a spice.
Oregano contains essential oil, vitamins A and C, tannin, mineral salts.

Useful advices
  • Growing Oregano
  • Oregano can be grown on all kinds of soils but prefers the light generous soils. Oregano loves sunny outdoors. It’s cold-resistant plant and starts to vegetate in the end of February. Permanent irrigation is needed during vegetation period. Best irrigation is the drip irrigation.
    Oregano propagates with seeds. You have to sow it in a permanent place after previous soil preparation. You can produce seedling early in the spring in hothouse.
    Oregano picking starts form the second year.

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